Icaros is a Superman-style workout which combines exercise with VR gaming.
Designed to make workouts more effective and engaging, the Icaros helps improve the user's strength, reflexes and balance. It lets users navigate through virtual environments using only their movements on the Icaros machine to determine their path in different virtual games and measures all their movements with the Icaros controller, attached to the device's handlebar. Icaros consists of the Icaros device itself, the controller with integrated sensors, a VR headset, and an app.Toddler Soft Play Projects
Axtion Technology provides commercial Toddler Soft Play products and interactive play solutions.
We believe age appropriate play experiences are critical to healthy child development and for the success of any indoor playground.
- Tags: Playgrounds
Light Jumper - Video Game Play for Trampolines
LIGHT JUMPER is a video game where the user interacts while jumping on a trampoline. The game is installed on a platform with a trampoline as a base and a frontal screen in which to project the interactive scene.Usually, video game users play while sitting down in front of a screen.
ValoClimb - Augmented Climbing Wall – GAMES
Augmented Climbing comes with 5 thrilling games that provide huge impact on players and with a cloud platform that makes it fully automatic. New games will be released and updated with the subscription.
The games and training programs available with the Augmented Climbing Wall make the climbing experience even more social and fun
- Tags: Valo Motion
MagixFloor Virtual Playground System Offers Interactive Games for Kids Fitness
The MagixFloor Virtual Playground System is an innovative concept for interactive floors designed for many applications (Schools, After-School, Health Clubs, Children Museums, Medical waiting area, hotels, shopping malls, family entertainment centers and gaming arcades. The MagixFloor system uses 3D gesture tracking and proprietary software to respond to players’ actions- Tags: MotionMagix