IHRSA Fitness Expo expands with more Interactive Fitness Games. Take a Sneak Peek.

IHRSA fitness expo gets under way March 23-24 in San Diego, CA and it will have a variety of Interactive Fitness Technology and Fitness Gaming products.
IHRSA is the health and fitness industries annual trade event that is known for its education, vibrant trade show, motivational speakers, and networking opportunities for the commercial market.
This year we will see more Interactive Fitness Game Technology. These products are becoming a necessary item instead of a luxury at any type of Health & Fitness facility.
Immersive WALL is an Immersive fitness game. i Wall has been recognized and awarded with several international awards for design, innovation, and fitness trends. Ideal for kids through adults and seniors it is a product that will instantly create a social fitness community.
Aviron Rowing is launching for the commercial fitness industry with its new rowing experience game technology. Aviron was created from an experienced technology company in Canada creating global brands since 1987, and was introduced at CES 2018.
Interactive Fitness Holdings, Expresso, returns as an industry leading virtual cycle. Expresso and CyberCycle combine virtual reality with fun competitive programming.
Icaros will make its debut in North America for the Health & Fitness industry. With much success and recognition throughout Europe and Asia, and after a recent trip to the CES expo, Icaros is set to change VR Fitness. It is described as “ Icaros is a Superman-style workout which combines exercise with VR gaming.”
Spivi sets the standard for 3D simulation and virtual rides for indoor cycling studios. Spivi engages group classes with visuals and data.
BlackBox VR offers virtual reality resistance training. BlackBox VR won the best of CES 2018 award and is set to create a new immersive fitness experience.
FitLight offers wireless LED Light Sensor Targets for reaction training, sports performance, fitness training, and more.
Trixter by Pulse Fitness offers an immersive 360 interactive cycling and treadmill experience. It combines exercise with virtual worlds and modern game technology.
Tap Touch Wall provides the next generation of touchscreen games for the whole family. Reaction, Memory, Teamwork, and Stress reduction are a few of the benefits of the high-Definition games played on a 65” touchscreen.
All of these Fitness Technology Games shows where the industry is heading along with other fitness technology like, Polar, Wellbeats, TechnoGym, Virtual Active, Nexersys, etc.. The traditional fitness equipment and exercise programs will not go away, but clubs will need to add more fitness entertainment and games to expand the member base and create more of a community, that only game play can provide.
Contact us to learn more about any of these products.
- Edwin Kasanders