Interactive Fitness Games Buying Guide by Industry

We see two product categories that have proven success in any facility depending on what Goals the location wants to accomplish and how it fits into the overall Vision.
1) Program oriented Interactive Fitness Technology. we have seen that when we combine certain products and programs, we put them in the right area of the club or facility, and we have the right ‘champion’ at the location – we will have success. The most success has come from adding a few products to an existing area of a club so the products can integrate with what you are already doing in the clubs.
These products include the ‘basic’ technology products like T-Wall, CardioWall
Also, older technology products that have not been upgraded in many years can fall into this category of needing great staff to keep the program moving forward, fun and sustainable. 3-Kick, Heavy Ball, Sportwall,
2) The new category actually goes back to the roots of “Exer-games”, Fitness Entertainment, Fitness Gaming – simply they are products that offer Entertainment and often have the characteristics of Video Game Play. These are products based on game software that you physically move in order to play the game – you become the game controller. They allow for advanced graphics, an immersive experience, continual variety with new games and levels, and attract a lot of attention. These new Fitness Games track user data, have leaderboards, allow for challenges, and make the user go through game levels in order to advance.
These products include: Immersive Wall, Touch Wall, Reaction Pro Trainer, Aviron Rowing, Valo-Motion, Icaros, Pro-X Trainer.
With all the advancements in Technology, we have seen improvements in the quality of the products, the simplicity of use and the many applications on how a facility can use those products. Here is our current list of the best solutions by some top industries: Health Clubs, After-school programs, Kids Clubs, Hospitality, Rehabilitation, Entertainment, Sports performance, and Schools. The ranking is not necessarily in ranking order. Several factors will play into the best products to meet your goals - Contact one of our experienced professionals for a personal evaluation.
- After-School Programs / Youth Fitness (YMCA, JCC, Boys & Girls Clubs, Park Districts, Recreation Centers…)
- Young Kids Area / Daycare / Kids Clubs
- Health Clubs / Personal Training Studios / Cross Fitness
- Family Fitness
- Schools / Education / Groups
- Special Needs, Sensory Rooms
- Hospitality / Resorts / Restaurants & Bars / Shopping / Airports
- Entertainment / FEC / Activity Parks
- Medical, Therapy, Rehabilitation
- Sports Performance
- Brain Fitness Zone – The newest category that is about to explode
- Fitness Gaming Zone
After-School Programs
Health clubs, daycare centers, YMCA’s, Park Districts, Community Centers, Boys & Girls Clubs, Salvation Army and other non-profits have a large demographic for kids 7-14 years old. The ideal set-up is a dedicated space with a variety of interactive fitness technology that can be used for a variety of applications. You can run group classes, use for teen events, as homework rewards, parent and kids events, circuit training, active competitions.
We like to try and select one product from each category for this space (Wall product, floor product, cycling, dance, brain games, immersive).
An impact product would be the new T-Wall for its immersive game play s, or StepManiaX for its proven engagement for all ages.. The T-Wall is sure to make an immediate positive impression on any visitor, and the fun active game play will keep users coming back for more.
- Active Game Wall / Touch Wall is an advanced touch screen with high end graphics. It has the latest advancements in graphics and game play. Kids and adults will love the immersive fitness games. You do not need an instructor to keep the game play moving, just select the game, play, and go through the levels.
- StepManiaX is an advanced version of the ever popular DDR games. For 1-2 players with high end graphics, easy to use touch-screen and engaging floor platform.
- Reaction Pro is a reliable and proven product that can be used for nearly any age and any ability level, from kids programs, to training, sports performance, and older adults for cognitive fitness
- For cycling, we like SPIVI because it is great for groups from 4-30 for social fitness.
- Glow Holds Climbing Walls are the new interactive climbing solution for any setting. The Modular design can be created to fit any space.
- TrailBlaxer Interactive Climbing Wall
- If you are looking for fitness, movement and weighted training, our Asuzu Reflex Wall combines some of the older technologies on the market (3Kick, Heavyball, Sportwall) into one, with advanced technology. You can also use a Wall Target product like Touch Wall Interactive to perform Heavy Ball and Weighted Movement Training.
- SportGames is a MultiPlayer Dance, Step, Game and Sport system. It replaces the old technology of iDance DDR and Konami Classroom DDR by adding more active movement and fun games.
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Young Kids Area / Daycare / Kids Clubs
For the younger age groups we like to encourage movement and use attractive graphics that draw the kids attention. A big focus in on learning and education in a fun way, along with hand-eye-foot coordination. We also like products that are easy to use, simple to select games, and do not occupy a lot of space if not being used.
An impact product is Interactive Projection like the MagixFloor. It is a all-one-design that attaches the ceiling and projects to the floor a variety of gesture based games. The system comes with 30 games, you can choose from a growing library of over 100 games, and add additional games at anytime. When the system of off, you can use that floor space for other activities.
- Beam EyePlay Projection turns your surface into a active playground. Great for the Floor, Wall or a Table.
- Touch Wall an advanced touch screen with high end graphics.
- Glow Holds Climbing Walls are the new interactive climbing solution for any setting. The Modular design can be created to fit any space.
- TrailBlaxer Interactive Climbing Wall
- Cardiowall Compact or Landscape
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Health Clubs / Personal Training Studios / Cross Fitness
Any club that has functional training is missing out if they are not using fitness technology to enhance their program. There is no better product to encourage a community than playing a competitive game. Whether you are playing to improve your own score, as part of a team, or just for some fun motivation these products will make an immediate impact at your club. Since you need to move to play, your members will be completely surprised at the workout they get, and the cognitive benefits of the games.
An impact product is the Reaction Pro Trainer due to is simplicity of use and engaging gameplay. Built like a tank it is made to be used and abused by members of all ages and all abilities. Dozens of exercises can be performed on the T-Wall and included games, or create your own programs.
- Reaction Pro is a reliable and proven product that can be used for nearly any age and any ability level, from kids programs, to training, sports performance, and older adults for cognitive fitness.
- Pro-X uses interactive fitness technology with broad applications that combine LED lights, sensors, hundreds of exercises, to create a truly unique and exciting experience for your members.
- Nexersys is a great cardio fitness trainer that can be placed in the fitness room and the self guided trainer will take your guests through a workout.
- C4 Fitness Tiles are the cost effective solution to Prama. They use a reliable floor or wall tile system that can be configured in multiple ways. Programs are basic, but you can make your own, and it uses an easy iPad app. (C4 Sprint Grid, C4 Floor Grid, C4 Wall Grid correspond to the Prama Pavigym Sprint 3.0, Square 3.0, Vertical 3.0, Combo 3.0)
- Axtion Pods are a great choice since they have many of the benefits of target based games like T-Wall but have a portable design that can be configured nearly anywhere in the club.
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Family Fitness
The idea is to have 1 product that is an attention getting / eye-popping visual and interactive experience
- MultiBall is a product that will make an immediate impact in your club. sets the standard for physical activity, education and entertainment all in one unit. Turn a whole wall into a giant video game.
- ValoClimb / Augmented Climbing combines the fitness benefits of climbing with the latest technology of immersive game play.
- Icaros VR Fitness Games gives you a Superman style workout with an incredible interactive experience.
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Schools / Education / Groups
The combination of Fitness + Games + Technology is a sure win for students to be actively engaged. These Exergaming solutions have made an impact for thousands of kids around the world.
- MultiBall sets the standard for physical activity, education and entertainment all in one unit. Turn a whole wall into a giant video game.
- For Groups, Sport Games multiplayer dance, step, sport games is great for social fitness.
- If you have a Cardio / Spin Studio then the SPIVI Group Cycling System is the perfect choice.
- With Touch Wall Kids and adults will love the immersive fitness games. You do not need an instructor to keep the game play moving, just select the game, play, and go through the levels.
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Special Needs, Sensory Rooms
Similar to the to the medical market usage, this category includes: Autism, ADHD, Behavior integration, Sensory processing, downs syndrome, and other cognitive needs.
An impact product is the Active Game Wall or Reaction Pro Trainer due to is simplicity of use and engaging gameplay. Multiple exercises can be performed and include memory games, or create your own programs.
- Touch Wall has a compact design with sharp graphics and a lot of content.
- Reaction Pro is a reliable and proven product that can be used for nearly any age and any ability level. Great for many applications, including: Movement, Stamina, Balance, Cognitive and Brain Training.
- MagixFloor Interactive Projection
- CardioWall Compact or Landscape is a simple design that is rugged and attractive.
- Axtion Pods are a great way to start with interactive fitness and can be used for all Special Needs Applications
- Moto Tiles
- C4 Fitness Tiles
- Dynavision D2
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The hospitality market (Hotels, Resorts, Cruise Lines, Theme Parks) is looking for solutions to engage their guests. Oftentimes families are the focus with parents, or grandparents, engaging with kids. Dedicated kid or teen areas are also a part of most resorts, and this fits in perfect with fitness technology because the kids can be active while using technology. A growing market is the use of fitness technology for business travelers and companies for conferences, friendly competition and camaraderie and stress reduction.
An Impact product would be the Active Game Wall since it features many reaction style old-school games, has a compact design, and can be used for digital media when not being played. The attractive cabinet conceals the electronics and can allow some advertising space.
- Touch Wall
- MagixFloor Interactive Projector, or, Beam EyePlay Projection.
- Reaction Pro Trainer is perfect for the fitness studio for various reaction brain games before and after a workout. For the Tech area, the T-Wall Table is an advanced game table with attractive design.
- StepmaniaX is the ideal solution if the location has an arcade or game room.
- Nexersys is a great cardio fitness trainer that can be placed in the fitness room and the self guided trainer will take your guests through a workout.
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The FEC - family entertainment center (indoor amusement park, play zones, family fun centers, laser tag, trampoline parks, climbing clubs, ninja warrior courses) rely on a product that can be used by a lot of people with minimum instruction. They also want to make an impact and differentiate themselves from the competition.
An impact product would be I-Wall for its immersive game play and high-quality graphics. The T-Wall is sure to make an immediate positive impression on any visitor, and the fun active game play will keep users coming back for more.
- Interactive Projection like MagixFloor or Beam EyePlay is a proven solution for any facility that wants to engage visitors.
- MultiBall Interactive
- LightJumper Trampoline Game
- Cardiowall is a leader in the Trampoline Center space with products created just for this market. The Freestyle is a 1-2 person game using two fixed walls while jumping on a trampoline. DodgeAttack plays old-school dodge ball, but with electronic targets that track score. High-9 and Skypods can be custom configured for any size space and application.
- ValoClimb / Augmented Climbing combines the fitness benefits of climbing with the latest technology of immersive game play. Great graphics, great game play in a relatively small amount of space.
- ValoJump is a great trampoline fitness game for the younger kids.
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Medical, Therapy, Rehabilitation
The medical market has been using fitness technology for a long time, and we have seen great success with compliance and progressions using the interactive fitness solutions. Key applications include:
Stimulation and improvement of motor and sensomotor skills
Training of coordination, gross and fine motor skills
Development of physical mobility and physical skills
Cognitive function and Executive Function
Visual stimulation, reaction training
An impact product is the D2 Dynavision that is well regarded as the standard in the industry for visual and reaction training. Data is recorded for each patient with meaningful metrics that can be measured over time.
- D2 Dynavision
- Touch Wall is a more compact design with sharp graphics and an infinite way to create content.
- Reaction Pro Trainer is great if they want to offer both reaction training along with more movement.
- Moto Tiles
- RehabWall
- Axtion Pods
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Sports Performance
Fitness technology is used in sports performance for a variety of applications:
Speed Training, Endurance Training, Coordination & Assessment, Cognition Training, Vision Training, Vision Memory, Flexibility and Mobility.
(See our Blog on Interactive Fitness Technology used in Sports Performance for more details on each of these areas)
- CardioWall Pro-X has been used in multiple performance applications from GrandPrix to Soccer. It has data capturing to monitor your progress.
- D2 Dynavision is a good fit for focused training with a concentration on vision awareness.
- Reaction Pro Trainer is a standard for combining fitness and reaction training.
- QuickBoard
- Axtion Pods are a great way to start with interactive fitness and can be used for all areas in Sports Performance.
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Brain Fitness Zone.
The newest category that is about to explode. Originally designed for the baby Boomer generation to maintain Cognitive Function, Increase Balance, and Improve Mobility, we have seen every age obtain benefits from creating a Brain Fitness Zone within your facility.
Our goals are to take 1-2 products from each category and integrate them within your current Strength, Cardio, and Balance program.
Hand-Eye Fitness Games:
- Reaction Pro Trainer
- Touch Wall
- CardioWall Pro-X
Foot-Eye Fitness Games
- Moto Tiles
- QuickBoard
- C4 Tech Tiles
Fitness Gaming Zone
Fitness Gaming Zone is a complete ready-to-implement package featuring products that have the fitness game benefits of motivation, fun, social fitness and require minimum staff and supervision.
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- Tags: Product Guides
- Edwin Kasanders