Light Jumper - Video Game Play for Trampolines

A Video Game Integrated Into Trampolines
LIGHT JUMPER is a video game where the user interacts while jumping on a trampoline. The game is installed on a platform with a trampoline as a base and a frontal screen in which to project the interactive scene.
An image recognition system based in LED light bracelets and anklets wore by the user, detects the extremities of the player turning them into controllers. Using these multi-pointer controllers, the player interacts with the different game pieces that appear on the screen either by catching, selecting or avoiding them.
The objective is to achieve as many points as possible as the game increases in difficulty. To accomplish it, it will depend on the player’s abilities of synchronization, endurance, strategy and speed.
Usually, video game users play while sitting down in front of a screen. Our philosophy however is to extend the game to a more physical level and to do it in a public space, so that players interact with other users as well as doing a beneficial activity for the body. In Light Jumper, players achieve making the game work by jumping on a trampoline.
Amateur and professional sportsmen and women often repeat workouts extensively. These repetitive and monotonous exercises are necessary to develop resistance, elasticity, power and technique. That is why we want to offer them tools that combine training while having fun.
Why a game on a trampoline?
Due to its complete physical action and positive effect on health, exercise on trampoline has been implemented in elite athletes’ training as well as in astronauts (NASA). It is also used as a stimulant of the limbic system in rehabilitation medicine.
LightJumper has a basic structure in which the player navigates through 2 menus: the menu of games and the menu of difficulties.
LightJumper has 5 game from which users can choose. These are differentiated by the physical difficulty, the game strategy and the objectives.
It is the simplest of the games, both physically and strategically. There is a green piece that the player must catch. Catching the piece will give points, and the piece will shoot a laser to create a new piece at another random point on the screen. At the same time, the player must avoid the red MOVING pieces that appear on the screen. If touched these will remove points to the player. This game mixes the activity of jumping on a trampoline and that of the videogame in a simple way.
It is a physically simple dynamic but with a higher game strategy. There are 5 red pieces and 1 blue piece. The player has to catch the blue piece and to avoid the red ones. When the player touches a blue piece, the piece shoots a laser that destroys a red one and transforms it into blue. The game ends when all the red pieces have been destroyed. Each read piece destroyed will give points. Destroying all red pieces gives an extra score. In the case of touching a red piece, all the pieces of the screen will explode, the player will lose points and the level will be finished. This game mixes the activity of jumping on a trampoline and the one of the videogame in more complex way.
This game requires a lot of physical coordination and a simple strategy task. There are between 2 and 4 yellow pieces and the player must select them at the same time and with a time limit. If the player achieves the objective, points are obtained, otherwise they are lost. This game integrates even more the activity of jumping on a trampoline and that of the videogame, as the player needs to jump doing complex movements and forms.
It is the most complex of the games, both physically and in terms of strategy. There are between 3 and 9 violet pieces with a number inside. The player must select all the pieces in numeric order and with a time limit. If the player achieves the objective, points are obtained, otherwise they are lost. This game integrates the activity of trampolining and the video game in a more complex way, as the player needs to do complex movements and to think about the strategy before jumping.
It is an extra game designed for expert players Insane is a random mix of the game Jump with another between Fight, Bang and Forms. Scores and goals are the same as in separate games. This game integrates the activity of trampolining and the video game in a more complex way, as the player needs to do complex movements and to think about the strategy before jumping.
LightJumper has been developed for users of different ages, heights and capacities. These aspects are reflected in the difficulty menu.
1. KIDS: This difficulty is very basic. There is more time allowed to achieve the objectives of the games and there are less number of pieces. In KIDS, the game has a height limit that allows users of small heights to play smoothly.
2. NORMAL: This difficulty is very similar to that of Kids, with the big difference that the game has no height limitations.
3. PRO: This difficulty is designed for people with good athletic ability and with a height above 150 cm. Here, the times to achieve the objectives of the game are much smaller, the number of pieces that appear are greater and the figures are more complex.
The sound effects implemented in the LightJumper are inspired by the 8 BIT video game sounds. For each form a different sound has been designed based on its function of selection, transformation or activity. This helps guiding the player in the the game and to understand its dynamics while providing a specific tone to each game. The sound effects also aid the player to enjoy an immersive experience.
The soundtrack of LightJumper uses the 8 BIT sounds in a more hybrid way and mixes them with more electronic sounds. The soundtrack presents a musical richness with several interwoven movements and melodies. These are necessary elements in a video game to break with a musical monotony and to keep the player alert. As the game is played on a trampoline, it is essential that the tempo of the music and its rhythm, help the player to stay as active as possible.
In LightJumper everything moves and in the design of usability we have taken into account two fundamental aspects: the verticality and the constant movement of the player. The design team has opted for an intuitive and organic navigation that eliminates any superfluous elements. To change the game, for example, the player stops jumping for 2 seconds in order to return to the game selection menu. This conceptual synthesis is reflected with the visual elements of the game.
The visual design of LightJumper is inspired by pioneering Arcade games with black backgrounds, basic colors and simple geometric shapes, visual elements designed to help the player focus on the most relevant elements. Each game has a basic identifying color (yellow, green, blue, violet or orange) and the pieces to be avoided are red, as we looked for an absolutely intuitive understanding of the game’s color code. Another important element in the design of LightJumper is the circle, a symbol present in all of the games, in the menus and in the background pattern. This predominant form on the game screen improves the player’s ability to concentrate and avoids visual distractions with the
LightJumper offers a dynamic gaming experience that activates all the senses.
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Contact us for a customized solution to fit your need and add an element of interactive video games to your trampoline area.
Basic Set-up includes the PC, Software, and Camera sensor. Not included is the Projector, Trampoline, and sound system. Also required is a internet connection for remote access to the system.
2 Unit System:
This is configured side-by-side, or can be back-to-back.
Package includes everything needed to be up and operating.
- PC, Software, Camera sensor, LED bands.
- High-Definition Projector
- Trampoline, pads, posts, truss for Projector and Sensor
- Powered Speaker
Required items: Internet connection, electric connection, preference is to have a darker (dimly lit) space for the graphics and lighting.
4 Unit System:
This is configured side-by-side (Inline), or can be set-up as a Grid of 4.
Package includes everything needed to be up and operating.
- PC, Software, Camera sensor, LED bands.
- High-Definition Projector
- Trampoline, pads, posts, truss for Projector and Sensor
- Powered Speaker
Required items: Internet connection, electric connection, preference is to have a darker (dimly lit) space for the graphics and lighting.
Add Multiple units to configure the number of Light Jumper systems you desire.
- Edwin Kasanders