Immersive Wall Fitness Gaming Touch Wall

Applications include: Brain Fitness, Personal Training, Group Fitness, Sports Performance, Entertainment, Kids programs, Challenges
Benefits Include: Social Fitness, Focus Training, Cognitive Performance, Reaction training, Vision training, MAP training for Physical and Mental awareness, Executive function training, Coordination and Balance, Physical endurance, Visually appealing design.
Great for: Health Clubs, Sports Performance, Personal training centers, Gyms, After-school Programs (YMCA, JCC, Park Districts, Recreation Centers, Boys & Girls Clubs), Schools, Kids Programs, Entertainment, Hospitality, Reception areas, Cross Fitness, and more.
Immersive Wall by Asuzu Reflex Touch Wall is similar in function to other touch walls, such as I-Wall, Batca, 3-Kick, Sportwall, except for the economic price point, high-grade construction and intuitive touch-screen.
Immersive Wall by Asuzu Reflex is the ultimate touch wall because it has a touch-screen display for game selection. The large, easy to see display shows your time, score, and leaderboard.
Immersive Wall by Asuzu Reflex can be used for Brain Fitness and Cognitive Training.
The Asuzu Reflex Touch Wallis an interactive reaction wall that uses LED lights to guide targeted movements and offer users fun training sessions that improve their reaction time, coordination, and mobility. The device uses different programs, making it possible to combine different functions and cognitive tasks in reaction training.
Applications: Stroke / Traumatic Brain Injury / Autism Therapy / ADHD / Behavior Therapy / Special needs / Dementia and Alzheimer’s / Sensory Therapy / Concussion Testing / Sports Performance
Benefits: Coordination / Reaction / Cognitive Tasks / Accuracy of movements / Cognitive and Physical Endurance / Eye Hand Coordination / Visual Training / Visual Memory / Flexibility and Mobility /
Immersive Wall by Asuzu Reflex works on Brain Fitness to improve these areas:
- MAP Training (Combination of physical and mental training)
- Executive Function Training (Solving problems, maintaining attention, and inhibiting emotional impulses)
- Cognition Training (perception, recognition, reasoning, reasoning, concluding, judgement, memory)
Asuzu Reflex Touch Wall can be used for Sports Performance, Fitness Training & Brain Fitness
Speed Training / Endurance Training / Coordination & Assessment / Flexibility & Mobility / Vision Training / Visual Memory / Eye Hand Coordination and Reaction / Dynamic Visual Acuity.
Asuzu Reflex Touch Walused for Autism and Therapy Treatment
- MAP Training (Combination of physical and mental training)
- Executive Function Training (Solving problems, maintaining attention, and inhibiting emotional impulses)
- Cognition Training (perception, recognition, reasoning, reasoning, concluding, judgement, memory)
- Tags: Asuzu Reflex
- Edwin Kasanders