Fitness Gaming makes exercise fun and sustainable, and is an excellent tool to motivate and stimulate kids to get up and exercise.

Axtion Fitness Games was founded to be a Fitness & Wellness Solutions platform to build a leading kids’, teens’, and family active lifestyle brand. The main focus of the company is to combat the increasing sedentary lifestyles of kids and the growing epidemic of childhood overweight and obesity. We are doing this by designing, manufacturing and distributing cutting edge high tech Interactive Fitness Games that integrate fitness, cool technology, and entertainment.
Axtion Fitness Games exploits the single, most fundamental cause cited for creating the sedentary lifestyles as the antidote: video games. Contrary to the stereotype, video games are now being used to get kids moving again. This evolutionary stage is called “Fitness Gaming” because it combines fitness and movement with playing entertaining virtual reality games and simultaneous multi player gaming featuring the latest in video and computer technology.
Our solutions foster social interaction, and allows competition between individuals and groups located in diverse and remote locations leading to the creation of valuable social networks. Fitness Gaming products were created for, and intended to be, a catalyst in transforming today’s sedentary kids into healthy active kids. Crucially, Fitness Gaming makes exercise fun and sustainable, and is an excellent tool to motivate and stimulate kids to get up and exercise.
“Where working out is all play” is the cornerstone of our approach, and our target markets include:
- Children and teens who are overweight and/or unfit
- Children seeking to participate or engage in sports for their first time
- Children seeking to advance or upgrade their sports performance experience
- Children seeking playful fun, socialization and camaraderie
- Children seeking benefits of improved focus, concentration and academic advancement
- Children seeking support to improve their inner confidence, drive and self-esteem
- Children who have a specialized need (may be ADHD, have a clinical need, occupational therapy, physical therapy progression, on the autistic spectrum, home schooled, or physically challenged)
Our products offer unique applications for the adults, senior citizen and rehabilitation markets but the kids and teens market will be our focus with much emphasis on the schools/educational sectors, non-profits (YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, JCC, Parks & Recreation), and after-school Health Club programs.
The school and after-school system and is the biggest and most logical market, but due to budgets and a high barrier of entry. We have found however, that our equipment (all designed for multi-player use) is a wonderful vehicle for schools to use as self perpetuating fundraisers/tournaments towards acquiring the products and overcoming the lack of budgets. The program also provides a number of unique opportunities for corporate partnerships allowing brands to reach their target markets and generate plus business while simultaneously providing unique fitness products to schools and community centers.
Childhood obesity and lack of fitness is a worldwide problem and we are delighted for the opportunity to chat with you to see if perhaps we could assist you in achieving your goals and objectives.
- Edwin Kasanders